
Tic-Tac-Toe Specs

This is part of ../../Examples/TicTacToe-JavaFX-UnRedo

1 Informal Description

Tic-Tac-Toe is played on a grid of 3x3 cells. Two players: the X-player, the O-player. All cells begin as blank cells. Players alternate to place an X ("ex") or O (big-oh) in a blank-cell. Goal is to have 3 Xs or 3 Os in a row, in a column, or in a digonal. The first player to do so wins. A game is a draw if all 9 cells are filled without anyone winning.

2 The Grid without GUI

  1. The cells are arranged in a grid named g, a 2d array of size 3x3. By g[i, j] we refer to the cell in row i and column j rangin in 1 .. 3. g[i, j] == one of blank ' ', 'X', 'O'.
  2. nFilled is a derived integer. It counts how many cells are non-blank.
  3. It is useful to write the entire g as a sequence of 9 characters as in [OBOXBBXBB], where we replace a blank with a B for visual clarity. This is a linearization by row, top-down. Note that not all 9-char sequences of XOB represent legitimate states in the game.

2.1 Changes in the Grid in One Move

  1. A grid g.old changes into g.new as a result of a move by a player.
  2. Preconditions: nFilled.old < 9. Simplified to nFilled < 9.
  3. Postconditions:
    1. nFilled.new = nFilled.old + 1. Simplified to nFilled = nFilled.old + 1.
    2. One blank cell of g.old is no longer so in g.new. That is, for some i and j, g.old[i, j] = blank and g.new[i, j] != blank.

2.2 Who Won?

  1. Game is won by 'X': hasWon('X')
  2. Game is won by 'O': hasWon('O')
  3. Game is a draw: nFilled == 9, ! hasWon('X'), ! hasWon('O')

2.3 Players Alternate

  1. [Left as an Exercise.]

2.4 Game Progress

  1. The history of the game after step i can be written out as a sequence of grid states: g0, g1, …, g(i-1), gi.
  2. Before any player makes moves: g0 = [BBBBBBBBB].
  3. Game ends when nFilled = 9 or when X or O hasWon.
  4. Consecutive values gi and g(i+1) are related as described in "Changes in the Grid in One Move".

3 How To Spec Interactive GUI?

  1. This is best done by examples. See the screen shots. Specs by Examples tend to overspecify. So, the screenshots are followed with explicit retractions.
  2. There are several status messages: X's turn, O's turn, Game Over: X won, Game Over: O won, Game Over: Draw!. Use of other fonts and colors is OK. The location of the status message is at the bottom.
  3. Should we write the move number in a small font in the non-blank cells?

3.1 Screenshots

tictactoe after 4 moves

Figure 1: After 4 moves. Blanks, X and O should be shown as in the screenshots. Other "good looking" renderings are OK. The game status should be shown prominently.

tictactoe after 4 moves

Figure 2: After 5 moves. What is the relationship between the numbers of Xs and Os? Can you determine who had the first turn?

4 Auxiliary Functions

  1. Boolean hasWon(Grid g, char C)
  2. isGridLegit(seq q)

5 Discussion/ Exercises

  1. Did we commit any of the Seven Sins of the Specifiers?
  2. Write a Requirements Document.
  3. It is possible to detect a draw "early"; specify this as a Boolean function. E.g., see this snapshot


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