
Tic-Tac-Toe with JavaFX and Undo/Redo

Abstract: This is a tiny.tiny example of software engineering techniques applied to the classic TicTacToe.

1 Links

  1. JavaFX source code of TicTacToe
    1. ./TicTacToe.java Java src code; ./TicTacToe.java.html colorized
    2. You can build and run it as in % javac TicTacToe.java; java TicTacToe
  2. A Lab of CEG 4180 OOProg + Design based on this game.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tic-tac-toe

2 Java GUI Frameworks

  1. ../../Languages/Java8/java-gui.html Java GUI Frameworks Overview
  2. ../../Languages/Java8/javaFX.html Intro to JavaFX.
  3. Prereq: {Threads, and Event-Driven Programming}

3 TicTacToe

  1. Requirements of TicTacToe
  2. Spec of TicTacToe
  3. Design of TicTacToe
  4. Code Documentation of TicTacToe

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