
A Practical Intro to Scala

Table of Contents

WIP Being revised. TBD Check links.

1 Scala Tutorial in Five Pages

  1. Scala is a "large" language. It has built-in support for functional and procedural programming, OOP, and concurrency. Its compilers can generate JVM as well as TBD native machine code.
  2. In 5 pages we cannot make you an expert in Scala. But you will learn enough Scala to start writing concurrent programs – provided you have taken an OS-level Concurrent Prog course, and are fluent in Java.
  3. We will use "actors" and Akka in this course. See ../../Actors.
  4. Page 1:

2 Scala Tutorial in 75 minutes

  1. How? We defocus functional programming, and fancy features.
  2. Link to Source Code Examples: ./scalaExamples

3 Scala REPL interactive

  1. scala without args is a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL), similar to Scheme, Python, …
  2. Try println("Hello, World!")
  3. Try def fac(n: Int): BigInt = { if (n==0) 1 else n * fac(n - 1) }
  4. Note the declaration style; the {} can be omitted
  5. Try { val x = 5; x + 2 } A "block" yields the value of the last expresseion
  6. Caution: Scala is a large language; a simple mistake can produce difficult to understand error.

4 Scala Tools

  1. sbt https://www.scala-sbt.org/ Simple Build Tool. Cf. make, ant
  2. Intellij IDEA plugin http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/scala.html
  3. http://www.scalatest.org/
  4. content of file named hello-world-println.scala

    object HelloWorld {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        println("Hello, World!")
  5. Compile % scalac hello-world-println.scala
  6. % ls -o

    total 16
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pmateti 595 Mar 29 21:26 HelloWorld.class
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pmateti 608 Mar 29 21:26 HelloWorld$.class
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pmateti  90 Mar 29 21:21 hello-world-println.scala
  7. % scala HelloWorld (similar to java ClassName)

    Hello, World!

5 Concurrency in Scala

  1. Scala can do the following whose descriptions you must have run into in the concurrent/ distributed programming literature: Signals and Monitors, SyncVars, Futures, Parallel Computations, Semaphores, Readers/Writers, Asynchronous Channels, Synchronous Channels, Threads, Workers, Mailboxes, and Actors.

5.1 Thread Example

  1. Try this in Scala REPL

    List( "one", "two", "three", "four" ) .
      foreach {
        name =>
          new Thread {
              override // needed
              def run() = {
                 "Thread " + name +
                 " [" + this + "] " +
                 "says Hello, World!"
          .  start

5.2 Signals and Monitors

  1. Read: Andrews, Chapter 6: Monitors.
  2. def synchronized[A] (e: => A): A Executes e in mutex mode
  3. def wait() Running thread suspends itself by waiting on a signal. (Unrelated to Linux signals.)
  4. def wait(msec: Long) As above, but waits at most msec milli-seconds.
  5. def notify() Cooperate with a wait -ing process, and check its condition C and inform. Even so, do while (!C) wait()
  6. def notifyAll() How many being waken up: one in notify() and all in notifyAll() Many subtleties. Look up the docs.

5.3 Semaphores

  1. We had a pristine description of what semaphores are. Scala semaphores are close, but no cigar.

    package scala.concurrent
    class Lock {
      var available = true
      def acquire = synchronized {
        while (!available) wait()
        available = false
      def release = synchronized {
        available = true
  2. Similar to our DC Official Binary Semaphores (but not exactly). The above is implemented using a monitor.

5.4 Bounded Buffers / Producers-Consumers

class BoundedBuffer(N: Int) {
  val buf = new Array[Int](N)
  var in, out = 0	// indices of buf
  var n = 0		// #items in buf

  def put(x: Int) = synchronized {
    while (n >= N) { println("buf full") ; wait() }
    buf(in) = x ; in = (in + 1) % N ; n += 1
    if (n == 1) notifyAll() }

  def get: Int = synchronized {
    while (n == 0) wait()
    val x = buf(out) ; out = (out + 1) % N ; n -= 1
    if (n == N - 1) notifyAll()
    x }

complete source: ./scalaExamples/bounded-buffers.scala

5.5 Mailboxes

class MailBox {
  def send(msg: Any) synchronized { ... }
  def receive[A](f: PartialFunction[Any, A]): A // uses synchronized { ... }
  def receiveWithin[A](msec: Long)(f: PartialFunction[Any, A]): A
  1. type Any is the super-type of all (other) types.
  2. PartialFunction

5.6 Readers/Writers

class ReadersWriters {
  val m = new MailBox

  private case class Writers(n: Int)  { m send this }
  private case class Readers(n: Int) { m send this }

  Writers(0); Readers(0)

  //  see slide (down-arrow) also

  def endRead = m receive {  // dot omitted
    case Readers(n) => Readers(n-1)

  def endWrite = m receive {
    case Writers(n) => Writers(n-1)
    if (n == 0) Readers(0)

5.6.1 Readers/Writers, contd

def startRead = m receive {
  case Writers(n) if n == 0 => m receive {
    case Readers(n) => Writers(0); Readers(n+1)

def startWrite = m receive {
  case Writers(n) =>
    m receive { case Readers(n) if n == 0 => }

TBD URL to CEG 7370 Readers/Writers with priority for writers

5.7 Asynchronous Channels

class Channel[A] {
  private var written = new LinkedList[A]
  private var lastWritten = written
  private var nreaders = 0
  def write(x: A) = synchronized {
    lastWritten.elem = x
    lastWritten.next = new LinkedList[A]
    lastWritten = lastWritten.next
    if (nreaders > 0) notify()   }

  def read: A = synchronized {
    if (written.next == null) {
      nreaders += 1; wait(); nreaders -= 1
    val x = written.elem
    written = written.next
    x  }

API scala.concurrent.package; cf. CEG 7370 Semi AMP

5.8 Synchronous Channels

class SyncChannel[A] {
  private var data: A = _
  private var reading = false
  private var writing = false
  def write(x: A) = synchronized {
    while (writing) wait()
    data = x
    writing = true
    if (reading) notifyAll()
    else while (!reading) wait()
  def read: A = synchronized {
    while (reading) wait()
    reading = true
    while (!writing) wait()
    val x = data
    writing = false
    reading = false

API scala.concurrent.package; cf. CEG 7370 SMP

5.9 SyncVars

package scala.concurrent
class SyncVar[A] {
  private var isDefined: Boolean = false
  private var v: A = _
  def get = synchronized
      {while (!isDefined) wait(); v}
  def set(x: A) = synchronized
      {v = x; isDefined=true; notifyAll()}
  def isSet: Boolean = synchronized {isDefined}
  def unset = synchronized {isDefined = false} // API
  1. API scala.concurrent.SyncVar

5.10 Futures

  1. An expression yet to be computed. In the future. When possible. When needed. In parallel with something else.
  2. Use

    import scala.concurrent.ops._
    val fut = future(someLengthyComputation)
    val y = f(fut()) + g(fut())
  3. API Futures

    def future[A](p: => A): Unit => A = {
      val result = new SyncVar[A]
      fork { result.set(p) }
      (() => result.get)
  4. More on futures in akka

5.11 Hello Word with Actors

import scala.actors.Actor

List("one", "two", "three", "four").foreach {
 name =>
   new Actor {
     def act() = {
       println("Thread " + name + " says Hello World!")
  1. Use akka.actors
  2. read actors and akka

6 Functional

  1. Functions are first class values. Can be given as arguments. Can be computed and returned also.
  2. Main strength of Scala is its combo of OO and Functional
  3. Closures
  4. Futures
  5. Promises

7 Misc

  1. var alst: List[ActorRef] = List();
  2. dependency injection frameworks? Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above, brought to you by Google.
  3. http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html
  4. "Scala’s for loops are compiled to higher-order function calls, but while loops are low-level as in Java or C. … Concurrency and correctness might be easier to achieve with more functional code."

8 Scala cf. Java

  1. Scala object v Java static
  2. Boolean, Int, Long, Float, etc. are (built-in) classes/types.
  3. There are no break s or continue s in for loops

8.1 Tokens

  1. Identifiers, operators, … as in most languages.
  2. ! ? with Hoare's CSP semantics.
  3. recvActor ! msg send a message msg to recvActor
  4. Unusual symbolic tokens: ::= :, :+ and :\ TBD
  5. new special tokens: _, <-, :: (+ several more)
  6. object, Unit, Any, Nil, None, Some(x)
  7. case is used in different ways
  8. Constructors: Array, List
  9. var x, y, z: Int = 0
  10. val x, y, z: Int = 0 assigned one-time
  11. no ++, or --; use instead +=1 or -=1

8.1.1 Tokens-2

  1. Alphanumeric identifiers, Operator identifiers, Mixed identifiers
  2. (from stackOverFlow.com ) Here are some valid examples:

    val !#%&*+-/:<=>?@\^|~ = 1 // all simple opchars
    val wordEndingInOpChars_!#%&*+-/:<=>?@\^|~ = 1
    val !^©® = 1 // opchars and symbols
    val abcαβγ_!^©® = 1 // mixing unicode letters and symbols

8.2 Case Classes and Pattern Matching

  1. Example expression: (x + y*2) / (1 + 3*z)
  2. Develop a tree representation for use in a Calc program.

    abstract class Tree
    case class Sum(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree
    case class Var(n: String) extends Tree
    case class Const(v: Int) extends Tree
  3. ./scalaExamples/calc.scala source code for a complete program but without * and /

8.3 Genericity

  1. Genericity is the ability to write code where types can be substituted.
  2. class Reference[T] {
      private var contents: T = _
      def set(value: T) { contents = value }
      def get: T = contents
  3. Here, the underscore stands for the default value (of type T). This default is 0 for numerics, false for Boolean, () for the Unit type and null for all object types.
  4. object IntegerReference {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        val cell = new Reference[Int]
        println("Reference contains the half of " + (cell.get * 2))
  5. source code: ./scalaExamples/generics.scala

8.4 (Dis) Similar to Java

  1. toString
  2. Cf Scala traits v Java interfaces
  3. Java static v Scala object

8.5 Dont Use

  1. Implicit arguments

9 Scala can be Hard to Learn

  1. Voluminous documentation aimed at programming newbies. Too many (incompatible) versions. E.g., 94,218 questions tagged on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/scala as of Dec 2019.
  2. Functional Programming paradigm: Imagine no variable can be assigned more than once. Anonymous Functions. Currying. Closures. Functions as first class values. Lazy values.
  3. Futures, Promises
  4. Type inferance; Co-variance and contra-variance; Monads
  5. Omission of "things": Implicit arguments, the dot, the semicolon, …

10 scala, scalac details

10.1 Execute External Program

import scala.sys.process._
val cmd = "/usr/local/scala-2.11.0-RC3/bin/scalac -help"
val txt = cmd.!!  // captures stdout
val i : Int = Process("ls -l")!

10.2 scalac options

  1. % scalac -help Print a synopsis of options.
  2. % scalac -X Print a synopsis of advanced options.
  3. % scalac -print pingObj-actor.scala Print program with Scala-specific features removed.
  4. % scalac -Xprint:typer fileName.scala Syntax trees at end of typer.
  5. % scalac -Xprint:all fileName.scala Check it out!

10.3 Scala Misc Info

  1. scala invokes java with Scala's libraries.
  2. scala and scalac are shell scripts on Linux. 200+ lines. Differ in just one line. On windows, scala.bat and scalac.bat
  3. Scala version I am using [date: Mar 30, 2014] is

    Welcome to Scala version 2.11.0-RC3
    (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0).
    Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
    Type :help for more information.

10.4 Scala Misc Info-2

  1. bash:
    1. export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/scala-2.11.0-RC3
    2. alias scala=/usr/local/scala-2.11.0-RC3/bin/scala
    3. alias scalac=/usr/local/scala-2.11.0-RC3/bin/scalac
  2. scala classpath example
    1. % scalac -classpath /usr/share/java/scala-swing.jar HelloGui.scala
    2. % scala -classpath .:/usr/share/java/scala-swing.jar HelloWorld

10.5 Disassembly with javap

  1. % javap HelloWorld.class HelloWorld\$.class

    Compiled from "hello-world-println.scala"
    public final class HelloWorld {
      public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    Compiled from "hello-world-println.scala"
    public final class HelloWorld$ {
      public static final HelloWorld$ MODULE$;
      public static {};
      public void main(java.lang.String[]);

11 References

  1. Link to Source Code Examples: ./scalaExamples
  2. https://scala-lang.org/documentation/learn.html Learning Resources.
  3. https://typesafe.com/activator is the place for ready-to-compile -and-run examples of Scala (or Java) with Akka. TypeSafe became https://www.lightbend.com/. Required Visit.
  4. Martin Odersky, "Scala by Example". {pmateti: A PDF book by the designer of the language. Highly recommended read: Chapter 17: Abstractions for Concurrency (10+ pages). Web search for the full book with ScalaByExample.pdf, 150+ pages. Latest build I have seen: June 2014. Despite the name of the book, only a few were ready-to-compile-and-run examples.}
  5. Martin Odersky, Philippe Altherr, Vincent Cremet, Iulian Dragos, Gilles Dubochet, Burak Emir, Sean McDirmid, Stéphane Micheloud, Nikolay Mihaylov, Michel Schinz, Erik Stenman, Lex Spoon, Matthias Zenger, An Overview of the Scala Programming Language, Second Edition, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Technical Report LAMP-REPORT-2006-001 ["Official Ref"] https://www.scala-lang.org/docu/files/ScalaOverview.pdf

11.1 References #2

  1. http://www.flotsam.nl/dispatch-periodic-table.html "All operators of Scala's marvelous Dispatch library on a single page."
  2. https://airtable.com/shrDCOpnMP8iA6kOn 2019 Scala Developer Survey
  3. https://people.cs.ksu.edu/~schmidt/705a/Scala/
  4. https://scastie.scala-lang.org/ Scastie is Scala + sbt in your browser!
  5. https://developer.lightbend.com/start/
  6. Intellij IDEA for Scala

12 End

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