
Hoare's CSP

Table of Contents

This page contains a few examples of distributed computing done in CSP. Our focus is not on time or space complexity, but on the more qualitative issues. Some of the "solutions" may not be correct, and, when they are, can easily be improved. A few times I chose to 'describe' in English rather than write pseudo-code in order to explain the ideas. I am sure you can all fill-in the details and code it in CSP. Not all solutions are complete.

TBD Typography: The fat-bar is shown as either '|' or '[]'. The parallel bar is shown as '//'. CSP loop is shown either as *[ ... ] or as do ... od. CSP guarded if is shown either as = if … fi= or as = [ … ]=. I will make it consistent one of these days ;-)

1 Qualities in Distributed Programs

We wish to (a) maximize concurrency, (b) we prefer a symmetric solution, (c) we rate correctness much higher than efficiency, and (d) cannot tolerate deadlocks or (e) livelocks.  Defend why for each of these five.

Of course, we do not mean "maximize" in the pure mathematical sense it is used in algorithm analyis.

2 Modeling "Real" Devices

We are faced with the problem of controlling the two-way traffic on an old bridge. The bridge is so old and weak that it can only hold at most 10 cars at a time. Trucks and other heavy vehicles are forbidden. Traffic lights, and sensors that detect the passing of cars are installed on both ends of the bridge. Present all the processes in CSP. State clearly any other assumptions that you found necessary for your solution.

In our visualization, the bridge is drawn horizontally with the top lane with traffic going from right-to-left, and the bottom lane with traffic going from left-to-right. There is an entry sensor (s2, s3) and an exit sensor (s1, s4) installed in each lane that detects cars passing over. TL1 and TL2 are traffic lights.

We cannot present all the processes – such as the cars. In a problem such as this, the "environment" is a collection of processes that our CSP processes interact with.

E.g., the following models the physical traffic light for us as an output device.

  int bulbColor := red;
  do controller ? bulbColor --> skip od

Here is a model of the mouse for us as an input device.

  int x := 0, y := 0;
  do human ? click(buttonNumber) --> clientProcess ! buttonNumber 
  [] human ? motion(dx, dy) --> x += dx; y += dy; clientProcess ! (x, y)

We cannot describe the human process – obviously! In our CSP examples, we would model the mouse far more abstractly. See, e.g., the Mine Sweeper.

sensor(i: 1 .. 4) ::
  int count := 0;
  do car ? passesOver -->
     count ++;
     controller ! count

The problem above is asking you to write the code for controller.

3 Remove the Least Member in SSI

Solve the exercise in Section 4.6 of Hoare's CSP paper. That is, provide a least() "remove the least member" operation in the small set of integers process-collection.

We just need to introduce a boolean to represent empty-handed or not. And, fix the new case below properly.

S(i: 1..100) ::
  empty := true;
  do empty -->
    if S(i-1)?has(n) --> S(0)!false
    [] S(i-1)?insert(n) --> empty := false
    [] S(i-1)?least() --> S(i-1)!noneleft()
  [] not empty -->
    if S(i-1)?has(m) --> ... as before ...
    [] S(i-1)?insert(m) --> ... as before ...
    [] S(i-1)?least() --> ...new code ...

4 n-th Minimum

We have a CSP process C that outputs an unending stream of non-negative numbers to a process named, say, X. We want X to be able to receive requests of the form X!nthmin(n) from a user process U and respond with U!x, where \(x\) is the $n$-th smallest number it has seen so far from C. If X has seen fewer than \(n\) numbers so far, or if \(n\) is greater than 10, or less than 1, the value of \(x\) to use is -1. Write the process X in CSP. Maximize concurrency. Process C must not suffer delays.

S(i: 1..10) ::
  do S(0)?out() --> U!-1
  [] S(i-1)?x -->
     do S(0)?out() --> U!x
     [] S(i-1)?y -->
         if  x = y --> skip
         []x < y --> S(i+1)!y
         []x > y --> S(i+1)!x; x := y

S(0) ::
  do C ? n --> S(1)!n
  [] U ? nthmin(n) -->
      if 1 > n or  n > 10 --> U !-1
      [] 0 < n and n < 11 --> S(n) ! out()

S(11) ::  do S(10)?x --> skip od
X :: S(i: 0..11)

5 Exchange Evens With Odds

There are three CSP processes \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) each with a local array of size \(n\) of integers. Among these \(3*n\) numbers, there are at least \(n\) even numbers, and at least \(n\) odd numbers. Write an algorithm in CSP so that the processes send each other integers, one at a time, eventually terminating with process \(A\) having in its array only even numbers, process \(C\) having in its array only odd numbers. Process B may end up with the rest of even/odd numbers. You must make sure no number originally present is lost.

EO ::
    e := 0;     /* a[1..e] are even */
    d := n+1;   /* a[d..n] are odd  */
    do e+1 < d   & even a[e+1] --> e := e + 1
    [] e+1 < d   & odd  a[d-1] --> d := d - 1
    [] e+1 < d-1 & odd  a[e+1] & even a[d-1] -->
        d := d - 1; e := e + 1;
        swap a[d] with a[e]

A ::    EO; do e < n --> e := e + 1; B!a[e]; B?a[e] od
C ::    EO; do d > 1 --> d := d - 1; B!a[d]; B?a[d] od
B ::    EO;
    do e > 0;   A?x --> A!a[e]; e := e-1; d := d-1; a[d] := x 
    [] d < n+1; C?x --> C!a[d]; e := e+1; d := d+1; a[e] := x

How does the following differ from above? Is it correct? Is it better?

A ::    i := 1;
    do i < n+1 -->
        if even a[i] --> skip
        [] odd  a[i] --> B!a[i]; B?a[i]
        i := i + 1

C ::    i := 1;
    do i < n+1 ->
        if odd  a[i] --> skip
        [] even a[i] --> B!a[i]; B?a[i]
        i := i + 1

B ::    e := 0;     /* a[1..e] are even */
    d := n+1;   /* a[d..n] are odd */
    do e+1 < d   & even a[e+1] --> e := e + 1
    [] e+1 < d   & odd  a[d-1] --> d := d - 1
    [] e+1 < d-1 & odd  a[e+1] & even a[d-1] -->
        d := d - 1; e := e + 1;
        swap a[d] with a[e]
    [] e > 0;   A?x --> A!a[e]; a[e] := x; e := e - 1
    [] d < n+1; C?x --> C!a[d]; a[d] := x; d := d + 1

6 Mine Sweeper in CSP

This is a CSP rendering of the well known game. Quite incomplete. The modeling of smiley, the mine counter and the timer are left to you as a further exercise.

mymine := 0, or 1 
/* number of mines in this cell */
/* 0 or 1 -- no other values are possible */

cell := blank;
/* what is "shown on the cell", enumerated type */
/* uncovered: 0,1..8, the number of mines that neighbors have */
/* uncovered: boom = 9 = game over = tripped a mine */
/* uncovered: exposed = 10, exposed mine after tripping */
/* uncovered: incorrect = 11 */
/* covered: red-flag = 12, ? = qmark = 13, blank = 14 */

/* left, middle, right are mouse button clicks */
do P(a, b)?howmany -> P(a, b)!mine
[] P(a, b)?uncover -> UNCOVER
[] P(a, b)?show-mine -> SHOW-MINE
[] mouse?left -> UNCOVER
[] mouse?middle -> MID
[] mouse?right -> RIG

7 Elevator Simulation

This simulation is often used in courses that teach the use of processes. There are T floors, and N elevators. Add whatever missing detail.

We may need to maintain the following info. Distribute it among our processes.

evat[e] elevator e is at floor i = at[e]; turn the i-th light for e on
  and the other light that was on now goes off.
dir[e] the travel direction –stopped, going-up, going-down – of elevator e
req[i] requests made at floor i: clear =00, goUp =01, goDn =10, both =11
stop[e][i] elev e must stop on floor i, true/false
bot[e] lowest floor to go to
top[e] highest floor to go to
[.] means for all indices

Elevator model, bare minimum. Elevator motor is powered on unless dir = stopped, and is moving in that direction. Add an internal display panel.

elevator(e: 1 .. N) ::
  int dir := stopped, d, f :=  1;
  do humanInTheElevator ? presses(f) --> controller! button(f)
  [] sensor ? detects(f) --> controller! at(f)
  [] controller? motor(d) --> dir := d
  [] controller? doorsOpen() --> skip
  [] controller? doorsClose() --> skip
floor(f: 1 .. T)::
  buttons := clear;
  do  humanOnTheFloor ? button(goBits) --> controller! button(goBits)
  []  controller ? buttons -> skip

We are to write the code for Controller. Describe as precisely (mathematically?) as you can what the functionality of the controller ought to be.

controller ::
int goBits
stop[.][.] := false; req[.]:= clear;
at[.] := 1; dir[.] := stopped; bot[.] := ...; top[.] := ...; 

do floor(f) ? button(goBits) --> req[f] := req[f] | goBits; floor(f)! req(f)
[] elevator(e)? button(f) --> stop[e][f] := true
[] elevator(e)? at(f) -->
    evat[e] := f
    ... should we stop the elevator, open doors, ...

8 Exercises

  1. Process A has a set S of m integers and B has a set T of n integers. The two processes are to exchange values one at a time until all elements of S are less than all elements of T. Assume that all the m+n integers are distinct.
  2. The solution given for Recursive Data Representation: Small Set of Integers of Hoare's CSP paper is reproduced below.

    S(i: 1 .. 100) ::
     do  n: integer; S(i-1)?has(n) --> S(0)!false
     []  n: integer; S(i-1)?insert(n) -->  
         do m: integer; S(i-1)?has(m) -->  
             if m ≤  n --> S(0)!(m = n)
             [] m >  n --> S(i+1)!has(m)
         [] m: integer; S(i-1)?insert(m) -->  
             if m < n --> S(i+1)!insert(n); n := m
             [] m = n --> skip
             [] m > n --> S(i+1)!insert(m)
     od  od 
    1. Write convincing arguments that the algorithms for has and insert are correct.
    2. Write a loop invariant for the inner loop.
    3. Extend the solution to respond to a command S(1)!remove(x) from S(0) that removes x from the set, if it contains it, and does nothing if it does not.
    4. Extend the solution to respond to a command removeMin() that removes the least member of the set, if non-empty, and does nothing if the set is empty. Explain your solution. Annotate your algorithm.
    5. Extend it to respond to a request S(1)!count() from S(0) that expects a reply with the number of elements in the set.
  3. Is the CSP code [X!2 // Y!3] equivalent to if true –> X!2; Y!3 [] true –> Y!3; X!2 ] ?
  4. Windows made the game of Mine Sweepers popular. Imagine each cell is populated with CSP processes. Describe further details.
  5. Given a large (in the zillions) bag B of integers, find the third largest number in B. Assume that B has at least three distinct integers. Two solutions, one in CSP and another in C-Linda are to be developed. It is not required that both use the same "idea." Present your solutions with full explanations. For CSP, the bag is generated by process B whose structure is B :: do ... --> P!n od. Develop the process P and appropriately chosen other processes.
  6. You are given a large (in the zillions) bag B of triplets of unsigned integers (x, y, d). Each triplet represents a horizontal line segment of length d in the Euclidean plane whose left end point is at (x, y). A (x1, y1, d1) contains (x2, y2, d2) if y1 = y2 and x1 < x2 and x1 + d1 >= x2 + d2. We wish to minimize the size (== number of triplets) of the given bag of triplets so that every original triplet is contained in some triplet in the resulting collection. Fully explain your solution design (10 points) in English for CSP. Implement (10 points) the design in CSP. The bag is generated by process Q whose structure is Q :: do ... --> P!(x, y, d)]. Develop the process P and any others.

9 References

  1. C. A. R. Hoare, ``Communicating Sequential Processes,'' Communications of the ACM, 1978, Vol. 21, No. 8, 666-677. This paper has many exercises for you to do.
  2. Andrews, Chapter 8 on Synchronous Message Passing, and also Section 10.2 on Occam.
  3. U of Kent, Communicating Sequential Processes for Java (JCSP), http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/ofa/jcsp/
  4. http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ucs/ Bill Roscoe's book Understanding Concurrent Systems. 2010, ISBN 978-1-84882-257-3.

10 End

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