Akka with Scala
Table of Contents
1 What is Akka?
- Akka is an implementation of Hewitt's Actor Model, in Scala (and hence JVM). It makes practical concessions to the pure actor model.
- "Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM" http://www.akka.io. [Note the use of concurrent and distributed.]
- Helps with scaling both UP (utilizing multi-core processors) and OUT (utilizing the cloud/ grid/ cluster).
- http://www.typesafe.com/platform/getstarted "The best way to start learning Akka …"
1.1 What is Akka? v.Frivolous
- https://www.google.com/search?q=akka+mountain
- https://www.google.com/search?q=akka+finnish+goddess&safe=active
- https://www.google.com/search?q=akka+indian&safe=active
- https://www.google.com/search?q=akka+telugu&safe=active
- Should we give equal time to Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo?
1.2 Who Is Using Akka?
Figure 1: Who Is Using Akka?
1.3 What is Akka? v.nonFrivolous
- Includes an implementation of Actor Model, with improvements for practicality.
- Also includes Software Transactional Memory (STM).
- Event driven, middleware framework
- Part of Typesafe Stack. Open source, Apache License.
- Created by Jonas Bonér.
1.4 Akka Practical Use Overview
- Versions: Scala 2.11+, Akka 2.3.1+. Code for older versions may not work with these versions. Most, not 100%, is open source.
- The code shown in boxes below is not always self-contained enough to compile it stand-alone.
is deprecated. Caution: Many articles on the web are based on scala.actor. Useimport akka.actor
. http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/actors-migration-guide.html- Akka library can be used in Java as well. http://www.pykka.org/ with Python.
1.5 How Does Akka work?
Figure 2: How Does Akka work?
2 Actor Ops: Create, Send, Become, Supervise
case class Greeting (who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Greeting(who) => sender ! (s"Hello, $who! Thanks.") } }
2.1 Actor in Scala, contd
val acsy = ActorSystem("WSU-CEG-7370-Actors") val grtr = acsy . actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], "greeter") grtr ! Greeting("Brad Pitt")
is a configuration class to specify options for the creation of actors.- Try the above in scala REPL. You need the import shown below.
import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props, Actor }
- glitch: akka://WSU-CEG-7370-Actors/deadLetters
2.2 An Actor in Java
public class Greeting implements Serializable { public final String who; public Greeting(String who) { this.who = who; } }
- Continued …
2.2.1 An Actor in Java, contd-1
public class GreetingActor extends UntypedActor { LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception { if (message instanceof Greeting) getSender.tell("Hello " + ((Greeting) message).who + " Thanks."); } }
- Continued …
2.2.2 An Actor in Java, contd-2
ActorSystem acsy = ActorSystem.create("WSU-CEG-7370-Actors"); ActorRef grtr = acsy . actorOf( new Props(GreetingActor.class), "greeter"); grtr.tell(new Greeting("Brad Pitt"));
2.3 Create an Actor
- Akka Actor receive message loop is exhaustive, different from Erlang and the late Scala Actors.
- Provide a pattern match for all messages that the actor can accept.
- To handle unknown messages have a default case
case _ => ...
- Killing an Actor:
victim ! Kill
the ActorSystem when everything’s finished
2.4 Actor System
- Akka Actors: Extremely lightweight (2.7 Million per GB RAM)
- Messages are the "kinetic energy" in an actor system.
- Actors can have lots of buffered "potential energy", but can't do anything with it until triggered by a message.
- Allocate (internal) threads:
ActorSystem acsy = ActorSystem.create("WSU-CEG-7370-Actors");
- Everything is asynchronous and lockless
- Several actor systems, possibly with different configurations, can co-exist
2.5 Actor Lifecycle
Figure 3: Actor Lifecycle
2.6 Send
- The method named
defines how messages are handled. !
.- Asynchronous and Non-blocking – "Fire-forget"
- Order of send = order of arrival in the mailbox of receiving actor. Message ordering is guaranteed on a per-sender basis.
- The size of the mailbox can be bounded or unbounded.
def ! (message: Any)
(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender)
sends a message asynchronously and returns aFuture
representing a possible reply. Akaask
2.7 Become - Ex: HotSwapActor
import akka.actor._ class HotSwapActor extends Actor { import context._ def angry: Receive = { case "ang" => sender ! "I am already angry >:(" case "hap" => become(happy) } def happy: Receive = { case "hap" => sender ! "I am already happy :-)" case "ang" => become(angry) } def receive = { case "ang" => become(angry) case "hap" => become(happy) } }
2.8 Become Overview
- Behaviors can be pushed and popped
Replaces the current behavior (i.e., the top of the behavior stack)- Will now react according to the new behavior to the messages
pop the stack
2.9 Become - Why?
- Implement finite state machines
import akka.actor.FSM
- Spawn up an empty generic worker actor that can become whatever the master needs
- Let a highly contended actor adaptively transform into an actor pool or a Router
- Implement graceful degradation
2.10 Advanced become
, Finite State Machines, and P3
- http://www.typesafe.com/activator/template/akka-sample-fsm-scala
- WSU CEG 7370 P3: Understand the example above, and answer the questions TBD.
2.11 Actor Hierarchy and Name Resolution
Figure 4: Actor Hierarchy and Name Resolution
2.12 Become – Add to the Stack, Not Replace
import akka.event.Logging; import akka.actor._ case object Swap class Swapper extends Actor { import context._ val log = Logging(system, this) def receive = { case Swap => log.info("Hi") become({ case Swap => log.info("Ho") unbecome() // just for fun }, discardOld = false) /* not replace */ }} object SwapperApp extends App { val sys = ActorSystem("SwapperSystem") val a = sys.actorOf(Props[Swapper], name="swapper") // alternately logs Hi, Ho, ... a!Swap; a!Swap; a!Swap; a!Swap; a!Swap; a!Swap }
2.13 Supervise
- Every single actor has a default supervisor strategy. Which is usually sufficient. But it can be overridden.
- When an actor crashes, its parent can either
it, orescalate
the failure up the hierarchy of actors. - A chain of responsibility, all the way to the top.
- "Let it crash!"
- Provides clean separation of business logic and error handling
- Traditional failure management:
- You are given a single thread of control
- Need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread
- Errors do not propagate between threads
- Leads to defensive programming, with error handling tangled with business logic
2.14 DeathWatch
- Register to receive
message provided by theDeathWatch
component of the actor system.import akka.actor.{ Actor, Props, Terminated } class WatchActor extends Actor { val child = context.actorOf(Props.empty, "child") context.watch(child) // registration var lastSender = system.deadLetters def receive = { case "kill" => context.stop(child); lastSender = sender() case Terminated(`child`) => lastSender ! "finished" } }
- Note the back-quotes in
3 Routers, Dispatchers, and Schedulers
- A router is a type of actor. Routes incoming messages to outbound actors.
- Akka download comes with several
strategies:- RoundRobinRoutingLogic
- RandomRoutingLogic
- SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic
- BroadcastRoutingLogic
- ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic
- ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic
3.1 Execution Contexts
- Think of execution contexts as thread pools.
is similar tojava.util.concurrent.
.import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
3.2 Dispatchers
- A dispatcher chooses an actor and a message from the actors mbox, and allocates a thread.
- Every ActorSystem will have a default dispatcher. Dispatchers
implement the
interface. - Each actor is configured to be run on a
, and that dispatcher doubles as anExecutionContext
. - Pinned dispatcher: Each actor has its own dedicated thread. Ideal for blocking operations.
- Calling Thread dispatcher: Provides a deterministic execution order
3.3 The Balancing Dispatcher
- Balancing dispatcher: Redistribute the work from busy actors to idle ones.
- All actors it handles share a mbox. A "work stealing" dispatcher.
- BalancingDispatcher is an actor. It is in-charge of sending messages to several actors (known as workers).
3.3.1 The Balancing Dispatcher
Figure 5: balancing-workload-across-nodes-with-akka-2
3.4 Throttling
- Message Throttler: E.g., no more than 3 messages in 1 second.
- printer: A simple actor that prints whatever it receives
class PrintActor extends Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ println(x) } } val printer = system.actorOf(Props[PrintActor])
val throttler = system.actorOf( Props(classOf[ TimerBasedThrottler ], 3 msgsPer 1.second)) throttler ! SetTarget(Some(printer)) throttler ! "1"; throttler!"2"; throttler!"3" // These will wait for a second throttler ! "4"; throttler ! "5"
3.5 Circuit Breakers
- A circuit breaker provides stability and prevents cascading failures in distributed systems.
- import
, …class D extends Actor with ActorLogging { import context.dispatcher val breaker = new CircuitBreaker( context.system.scheduler, maxFailures = 5, callTimeout = 10.seconds, resetTimeout = 1.minute). onOpen(notifyMeOnOpen()) def notifyMeOnOpen(): Unit = log.warning( "My CircuitBreaker is now open, and " + "will not close for one minute")
3.6 Actor scheduling
- You can schedule sending of messages and execution of tasks (functions or Runnable).
- Schedule to send the "foo"-message to the testActor after 50ms:
system.scheduler().scheduleOnce( Duration.create(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), testActor, "foo", system.dispatcher(), null )
4 Futures and Promises
- Akka gets Futures and Promises from Scala.
- A Future is a placeholder object for a result that has not been computed yet. A related CS term is lazy evaluation.
- A Future may only be assigned once. Needs an
- Invoke the
method which starts an asynchronous computation and returns a future. The result becomes available once the future completes.import scala.concurrent.{ future, promise } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global val s = socialNetwork.createSessionFor("user", credentials) val f: Future[List[Friend]] = future { s.getFriends() // may take a while }
4.1 Promises
- A Promise is a writable, single-assignment container that completes
a future. Methods:
import scala.concurrent.{ future, promise } import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global val p = promise[T] val f = p.future val prdcr = future { // producer val r = produceSomething() p . success . r continueDoingSomethingUnrelated() } val cnsmr = future { // consumer startDoingSomething() f . onSuccess { case r => doSomethingWithResult() }}
5 Distributed Actor System
Figure 6: Distributed Actor System
5.1 Actor References
- Actor references may be obtained by (i) creating actors or (ii) looking them up
- Typically, we create actors beneath the guardian actor using the
method and then … - Spawn the actor tree using
5.1.1 Looking up Actors by Concrete Path
method- Send a message, such as the built-in
message, to the actor and use thesender
reference of a reply from the actor. actorFor
is deprecated in favor ofactorSelection
because actor references acquired with actorFor behave differently for local and remote actors. Beware: actorOf vs. actorSelection vs. actorFor- Matching on paths similar to shells «*» and «?»:
context.actorSelection("../*") ! msg
5.1.2 Absolute vs. Relative Paths
- Send a message to a specific sibling:
context . actorSelection ("../brother") ! msg
- Absolute paths:
context.actorSelection("/user/serviceA") ! msg
5.2 Remote Actors and Akka Clusters
- Remote Actors ActorSystem configuration
Figure 7: Remote Actors ActorSystem configuration
5.3 Clusters
- Automatic cluster-wide deployment
- Decentralized P2P gossip-based cluster membership
- Leader “election”
- Adaptive load-balancing (based on runtime metrics)
- Automatic replication with automatic fail-over upon node crash
- Automatic adaptive cluster rebalancing
- Highly available configuration service
5.4 Enable Clustering
akka { actor { provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider" ... } extensions = ["akka.cluster.Cluster"] cluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka://ClusterSystem@", "akka://ClusterSystem@" ] auto-down = on } }
5.5 Remote Deployment
Figure 8: Remote Deployment
6 Termination
What Does "Finished" Mean? The most natural answer to this question appears to be, "When all the Mailboxes are empty." Natural, yes; correct, no. :)
Figure 9: Actor System terminated?
6.1 The Reaper
Figure 10: Actor System Reaper
6.2 Reaper Source Code
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, Terminated} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer object Reaper { case class WatchMe(ref: ActorRef); } abstract class Reaper extends Actor { import Reaper._ val watched = ArrayBuffer.empty[ActorRef] /* Derivations must implement this method. Called * when everything is dead */ def allSoulsReaped(): Unit final def receive = { case WatchMe(ref) => context.watch(ref) watched += ref case Terminated(ref) => watched -= ref if (watched.isEmpty) allSoulsReaped() } }
6.3 PoisonPill
Figure 11: Application with PoisonPill
7 Large Scale Examples of Akka + Scala
- http://www.playframework.com/ "The High Velocity Web Framework For
Java and Scala" Built on Akka, Play provides predictable and
minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for
highly-scalable applications. RESTful by default.
- REST stands for "Representational State Transfer". It describes a web architecture.
- Play is used in http://www.typesafe.com/platform/getstarted
- http://spray.io/ "Elegant, high-performance HTTP for your Akka
is an open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top of Scala and Akka. Being asynchronous, actor-based, fast, lightweight, modular and testable it's a great way to connect your Scala applications to the world. - http://twitter.github.io/finagle Finagle is an extensible RPC system for the JVM. Finagle is written in Scala, but provides both Scala and Java APIs.
8 TypeSafe Activator: Akka Get Started
- Reactive Applications: Concurrency + events
- Play Framework
- Akka Runtime
- Scala Programming Language
- Activator Reactive Developer Environment
- http://www.typesafe.com/platform/getstarted "The best way to start learning Akka …"
8.1 Activator Practical Details
to Laptop/OSIS Lab machine130.108.17.112
% /usr/local/activator-1.1.1/activator ui -Dhttp.address= -Dhttp.port=8080 -Dbrowser=/usr/bin/google-chrome
- Copies/Creates its applications in
8.2 Akka, without Activator, Practical Details
- Akka can be used without defining a
configuration, since sensible default values are provided.
// application.conf at the root of the class path. akka { loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] loglevel = "DEBUG" stdout-loglevel = "WARNING" actor { provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider" default-dispatcher { # set to 1 for as fair as possible throughput = 10 } } remote { netty.tcp.port = 2552 } }
9 References
- http://akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/AkkaScala.pdf about 360 pages. Nearly all the code snippets and figures are from here. Reference.
- Jonas Biner, "Above the Clouds: Introducing Akka", 2011. Web search for "Above the Clouds: Introducing Akka". Video or pdf. Highly recommended.