
Mutation Testing

1 Mutation Testing Idea

  1. How "good" are the tests? Suppose we alter the source code, and apply the same tests. Do the results change?
  2. Simple Source Code Mutations
    1. Ex: Replace && in boolexp with ||
    2. Ex: Replace if B then S fi with while B do S od
    3. Exchange parameters/args (of the same type)
  3. Does a test distinguish actual software S from a mutated S'.

2 Plugins

  1. IntelliJ IDEA + Eclipse plugin http://pitest.org/quickstart/mutators/
  2. Eclipse Plugin http://muclipse.sourceforge.net/. Inactive 2011.
  3. http://cs.gmu.edu/~offutt/mujava/ is "a mutation system for Java programs. It automatically generates mutants for both traditional mutation testing and class-level mutation testing. muJava can test individual classes and packages … encapsulated in methods in JUnit classes."

3 References

4 End

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