
Software Testing


1 Overview

  1. A Famous Quote: "Testing shows the presence, not the absence, of bugs" – Edsger W. Dijkstra, 1969, Turning Award Winner 1972
  2. Goals of Software Testing
  3. Goals of Debugging
  4. Definition of a "Test"
  5. Test Generation and Test Coverage
  6. Equivalence Class Testing
  7. Overview/Goals all the above

2 Unit Testing

  1. What is a Unit? A "piece" of source code. Function, Procedure, Method, Class, …
  2. JUnit https://junit.org/junit5/ JUnit is included in IDEA
  3. TestNG https://testng.org/doc/idea.html TestNG is included in IDEA
  4. ./testing-units.html all the above

3 Integration Testing

  1. Test (all) the units together. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.
  2. It is fairly common that even after successful unit testing of all units, integration testing fails.
  3. ./testing-integrated.html all the above

4 Mutation Testing

  1. Mutation testing evaluates the quality of existing software tests. Mutation minorly modifies a program under test, and then applies a test suite.
  2. ./mutation.html all the above

5 References

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation_testing Required Reading.
  2. http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse331/16wi/L08/L08-Testing.pdf 40+ slides. Recommended Reading.
  3. Several slides are noted in the refs of Overview/Goals

6 End

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