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Does programming in the Small differ from Large (Giga etc) qualitatively, or is it just additive scale?
What is the largest program/sofware ever written? (No matter how long it took.)
Do you know of a program > 1000 lines that is bug-free?
(S)LOC: count of source code lines, ignoring blank lines and comments. Debian/Ubuntu tools {bogosec, cccc, SLOCCount}. The numbers below are in MLOC.
[For the above, no real refs can be given, but mostly from wikipedia.org Source_lines_of_code in millions LOC. What is included in the count?]
SLOC Directory SLOC-by-Language (Sorted) 6453062 drivers ansic=6448301,yacc=1688,asm=1476,perl=792,lex=779, sh=26 2019776 arch ansic=1750979,asm=267172,sh=810,awk=476,pascal=231, python=45,perl=33,sed=30 770378 fs ansic=770378 580043 sound ansic=579860,asm=183 556120 net ansic=556024,awk=96 354424 include ansic=351241,cpp=3141,asm=42 135562 kernel ansic=135553,asm=9 88104 tools ansic=80499,perl=3775,python=1810,sh=1317,yacc=432, lex=257,asm=14 61376 crypto ansic=61376 60419 mm ansic=60419 56568 Documentation xml=46640,ansic=5117,perl=2453,sh=915,python=907, lisp=218,asm=189,awk=129 46430 security ansic=46430 42702 scripts ansic=26260,perl=9229,sh=2499,cpp=1821,yacc=1440, lex=1006,python=447 35769 lib ansic=35636,perl=120,awk=13 18449 block ansic=18449 6195 ipc ansic=6195 5407 virt ansic=5407 2507 init ansic=2507 1991 samples ansic=1991 1876 firmware asm=1660,ansic=216 567 usr ansic=553,asm=14 0 top_dir (none)Totals grouped by language
ansi-c: 10943391 (96.86%) asm: 270759 (2.40%) xml: 46640 (0.41%) perl: 16402 (0.15%) sh: 5567 (0.05%) cpp: 4962 (0.04%) yacc: 3560 (0.03%) python: 3209 (0.03%) lex: 2042 (0.02%) awk: 714 (0.01%) pascal: 231 (0.00%) lisp: 218 (0.00%) sed: 30 (0.00%)
: ansic: 16756046 (97.89%) : asm: 271828 (1.59%) : sh: 29564 (0.17%) : perl: 27344 (0.16%) : python: 17875 (0.10%) : cpp: 5063 (0.03%) : yacc: 4648 (0.03%) : lex: 2583 (0.02%) : awk: 1385 (0.01%) : ruby: 25 (0.00%) : sed: 5 (0.00%)
Tiny: | -- 01 KLOC; |
Small: | -- 10 KLOC; |
Medium: | -- 01 MLOC; |
Large: | -- 10 MLOC; |
Giga: | 10+ MLOC |
There are books on this topic. In this course, we will discuss this topic only in passing. Main reason for interest: Cost estimation. Main reason for disinterest: Polemics.