2020 | ../../ | Slides

New Things of Java8+ and Less Noticed Old Features

Table of Contents

These notes are an overview of new features of Java 8 and up, as well as less noticed old features, such as closures.

1 Java 8+

2 Scala

  1. Scala can be considered a "modern version" of Java.
    1. Elimination of "boiler plate" code: setters, getters, constructors auto generated.
    2. FOSS Project https://projectlombok.org/ does that for Java, by manipulating the ASTs.
    3. Syntax is substantially different.
    4. Design of Scala started in 2001.
  2. Type inference is an integral part of Scala.
  3. Has functional programming features also.
  4. ../Scala

3 Kotlin

  1. Kotlin == ++Java, Kotlin improves over Java.
  2. Less verbose: type inference, getter + setter methods, etc.
  3. Kotlin can be compiled into JVM byte code, as well as, native machine code. So, can Java.
  4. IntelliJ can "convert" Java source to Kotlin.
  5. Kotlin has coroutines, etc.
  6. Kotlin is the recommended dev language in Android SDK
  7. https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/comparison-to-java.html

4 References

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history Required Reading.
  2. Oracle.com, Java Essentials Tutorial, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/TOC.html. This is the recommended tutorial. Reference.
  3. http://lambdafaq.org Maurice Naftalin's Lambda and friends FAQ. Includes streams, etc. 2015. Reference.
  4. David Svoboda, https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/sei_blog/2015/10/is-java-more-secure-than-c.html Is Java More Secure than C? Oct 2015. Recommended Reading.

5 End

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