Adv Software Eng: HW2 Fall 2020
Home work in this course is done individually, without help from others. The due date is announced on the course home page.
In this home work we need the source code of a couple of class files. Choose the SmallSet files.
- (25 points) [Literate Programming] Express the chosen class file(s)
as a literate program (LP). The LP version should exemplify the
SOLID principles, in general, and the Design by Contract principle,
in particular. Recommended:
tool. - (25 points) [Assert in JML] This part of the home work is focussed on gaining experience with the use of Java asserts using JML. Thoroughly document the chosen class file(s) using Java assertions for invariants, requires, ensures, assignable, … .
- (20 points) [JUnit or TestNG] This part of the home work is focussed on systematic testing of the chosen file(s). Use a JUnit Plugin or a TestNG plugin (in Eclipse, or Intellij Idea).
- (20 points) [FindBugs or PMD] This part of the home work is focussed on gaining experience with the use of a static source code analysis tool. Examine closely the reports produced by the tool. Which of the items do you agree with? How did you resolve the issues?
1 Journal
- [10 Easy-to-Earn Points] Please maintain a journal for this homework. Submit a summary.
2 Turn In
- Follow all ethical/ scholary traditions of attribution.
- The
should have five sections, devoted to each of the above items. Include overviews for each. Other than the source code files, put everything else – overviews, diagrams, screen shots – together and produce onehw2.pdf
file. Include the source code files in the tar-ball namedhw2.tar.bzip2
- The file
should be a compressed tar ball of all the source code files, and the noweb files related to this homework. Include the revised/ original source code files so that everything builds cleanly. I expect to see sub-directories for each section. I expect to be able to build all the programs by invokingmake
, …,gradlew build
at the top level. - Submit on Pilot.