Worms -- OOP Redo
Worms-Redo Project as a learning vehicle.
This file was a "notes to myself" that I edited a bit for use by others. It is about worms.cpp, a solution to a problem in CS1 courses. Like all documentations of real programs, the source code may have been updated without a corresponding update here.
Homework in this course is done individually, without help from others. The due date is announced on the course home page.
In this HW, we are focussed on the SOLID principles of OOD, and in particular on Design by Contract and use of Assertions.
(45 points) [Improve OOD] [C++] The file [[../Lectures/Examples/Worms/worms-one-file.cpp.html][worms.cpp]] implements a grass roots game example of wiggly worms, scissor heads, cannibals, or vegetarian kind, moving about. Additional Notes: Visit the pages at [[../Lectures/Examples/Worms/][Worms]].