Cyber Security Lectures

Prabhaker Mateti

Below are notes to my lectures on a laboratory-based course on Internet/ Computer Security suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The green bar indicates that there is a lab experiment associated with that lecture. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

Course Intro Introduction to CEG 4420/6420 Security Course
Syllabus Course syllabus, our first class handout
Week-by-Week This describes the order in which these topics are covered
BootUp From Powering up to Login Prompt
NetUtils Various LAN utilities
TCPIP TCP/IP Refresher
Sniffers Network sniffers
Config Configuring a system properly
Fortification Improving the Security of a System Beyond Proper Configuration
HardenOS Hardening an OS
Password Cracking passwords
Cryptography Essentials of Cryptography for Internet Security
Authentication User, Node and Service Authentication
Viruses Viruses,Worms, and Trojans
RootKits How to hide what you are doing
BackDoors Discovering backdoors in well-known programs and OS
BufferOverflow The notorious and ever-present security problem
SecSoftware Writing better software, security-wise
PacketFilter Setting up a Packet Filter on Linux
Firewalls Firewalls, and how to setup one
Probing Scanning the network
IPspoof IP spoofing
TCPexploits Exploiting the weaknesses of TCP
IntrusionDetection Intrusion detection techniques
Audit Security Audit of Computer Systems and LANs
CGI-Vulnerabilities CGI-Vulnerabilities
Privacy The loss of privacy, and how to regain it
SSH Secure Shell
Ethics Ethics of hacking, cracking and attacking.
Sowgandh S. Gadi Security Hardened Kernels for Linux Servers, MS Thesis, 2004.
Karthik Mohanasundaram Security Hardening of the Process init of Linux, MS Thesis, 2004.
Sripriya Subramanian Sniffing the Ethernet with High Quality Tools, M. S. Thesis 2003.
Venkata RKR Pothamsetty Lab Setup For Courses On Internet Security, M. S. Thesis, 2000.
SIGCSE2003 slides Slides of my presentation at SIGCSE2003, Feb 21,2003
SIGCSE2003 paper PDF of the paper appearing in the Proceedings of SIGCSE2003.

Copyright © 2017 • This work was supported in part by NSF DUE-9951380.