A Minimal List of Unix/ Linux Commands

This is a list of standard Unix (also Linux) commands that you should be familiar with. Listed in alphabetical order. The word "show" below means display to the stdout. Do not use the commands based only on reading the brief descriptions given here. Read their man pages. A few commands cannot be run unless you are superuser; use sudo, but beware of consequences.
bash Bourne-Again Shell
bg place a process in the background
cat show each file in sequence
chmod change the permissions on a file
chown change the owner of a file
ddd the Data Display Debugger front end to gdb
df show mounted volumes, etc
diff show the differences between two files
du show file space usage
emacs the all-powerful text/binary editor; try xemacs also
enscript convert text and source code files to PDF etc. [apt install cups-pdf]
env lists the current environment variables
fg bring a backgrounded process to foreground
fsck check the integrity and repair a file volume
file accurately guess what kind of file
find find files with the given pattern as names, and do things with such files
gdb debug a program; try gdb -tui programFileName
grep print lines matching a pattern
kdbg KDE front end to debugger
kill kills a process
ln creates a link between two files; try ln -s
ls list contents of directory; try ls -lisa
lynx www/news/mail browser
make maintain, update, and regenerate related programs and files
man show reference manual pages; try man -k
mkfs make (construct) a file volume
nohup run a command immune to hangups
od octal dump; try od -x file-name
ps show processes
script Capture the stdin and stdout of commands you run in a session
set set/get and show the values of shell; also learn export variables
sloccount count source code lines in files/ dir
source shell built-in: execute the cmds in a file
sudo as root user run one cmd line
time a prefix to commands, times the command and shows page faults etc.
tmux terminal multiplexer
umask get/set the file mode creation mask
w who is on the system, and what they are doing
wget The non-interactive web/network downloader.
xxgdb GUI interface to gdb source code debugger

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