
Linux Setup

1 Background

  1. Prerequisite: CEG 2350: OS OS Concepts and Usage
  2. Highly Recommended: CEG 4350: OS Internals and Design
  3. CEG 4420/6420 Background Survey
  4. ls -l ./ Dir listing of this Lecture Notes Topic on Linux Setup

2 Installing Linux

  1. ../LinuxSetup/ Notes on Linux Setup
  2. Task: Install a Linux Distro
  3. Task: Learn Linux Commands/ SysCalls/ Libraries

3 Configuring Linux

  1. Booting Sequence ./BootUp
  2. Files and Installed Software ./SysAdmin
  3. User Accounts and Passwords ./Passwords
  4. Shutdown Sequence
  5. All the above: Configuring a System Properly

4 Basic OS Security

  1. ../LinuxSetup/SysAdmin Lecture#1 as a Prerequisite to Securing Linux immdiately after initial Installation.
  2. Linux Access Control: DAC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretionary_access_control and sudo. Read man sudoers
  3. Task: DAC Examples https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretionary_access_control
  4. Task: Configure /etc/sudoers https://www.linux.com/tutorials/configuring-linux-sudoers-file/
  5. Task: Examine suid Programs https://linux-audit.com/finding-setuid-binaries-on-linux-and-bsd/

5 Lab

  1. Getting Started with CEG 4420/6420 This lab gets you started on installing Linux and a proper config. It is not exhaustive.
  2. Task: Install a Linux Distro
  3. Task: Learn Linux Commands/ SysCalls/ Libraries
  4. Task: Compile, run, and observe a few tiny programs
  5. Task: Observe Bootup Sequence
  6. Task: DAC Examples
  7. Task: Configure /etc/sudoers
  8. Task: Examine suid Programs
  9. Task: AppArmor and Google Chrome

6 End

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