SN-719 at Amrita
Android Security

Prabhaker Mateti

Wright State University

DAC (Discretionary Access Control)

Prabhaker Mateti

Wright State University

Table of Contents

1 Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

  1. "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria" TCSEC, US DoD Standard 5200.28-STD.
  2. My opinion: "Discretionary", "Mandatory" both misleading
  3. Generally speaking: The security model of the old (1980s) Unix
  4. Concepts
    1. Entities: Users, Files, Processes, …
    2. Ownership
    3. Permissions: read, write, execute, …
    4. Granting of permissions
  5. Android inherits from Linux all of DAC.

2 Authentication

  1. Machines
  2. Users
  3. Services/Servers

3 User Authentication Approaches

  1. What You Know
  2. What You Have
  3. What You Are

3.1 What You Know

  1. Passwords on a Linux System
  2. Cracking the Passwords
    1. Current consensus: Given enough time, any password can be cracked.
  3. Prevention of Password Cracking

3.2 Two Factor Authentication

  1. Reading Assignment

4 Set User ID (suid)

  1. Privilege Acqusition Mechanism
  2. Invoke a program (file) that has suid set.
  3. Expected to be invoked by non-root users.
  4. suid can be set to non-root owner.
  5. The created process runs with the privileges of the owner, not the invoker

4.1 suid root

  1. An attacker arrives with non-root privileges.
  2. Exploits an suid-root process to spawn a root owned shell.
  3. The classsic "buffer overflow attack" injects the shellcode onto the stack.

5 Capabilities

see slides in the Refs

6 Android UID setup

  1. Android does not have /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group files. The file named android-filesystem-config.h in the AOSP source tree has the equivalent code.
  2. E.g.,
    1. #define AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */
    2. #define AID_GPS 1021 /* GPS daemon */
  3. % adb shell The rest of what is shown below is within AVD pmNX5a.
    1. root@generic:/ # ls -l /acct/uid shows "uid" directories
    2. root@generic:/ # more /data/system/packages.list shows how the application name is tied up with uid/gid.
    3. Ex: 10007 0 /data/data/ platform 1028,1015,1035,3002,3001

7 References

  1. Prabhaker Mateti, Password Cracking, 2013. Skip the Lab experiment. Required Reading.
  2. Required Reading.
  3. P. A. Loscocco, S. D. Smalley, P. A. Muckelbauer, R. C. Taylor, S. J. Turner, and J. F. Farrell. "The Inevitability of Failure: The Flawed Assumption of Security in Modern Computing Environments." In Proceedings of the 21st National Information Systems Security Conference, pp. 303–14, Oct. 1998. A classic paper. Recommended Reading
  4. Slides. Required Reading.
  5. Karim Yaghmour, ./android-security-yaghmour-2014.pdf Android Security, From the Ground Up, ELCE 2014. Required Reading.
  6. Secuirty features in Ubuntu

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