
CEG 4420/6420 Fall 2019 Exam Details

Course Home Page https://web1.cs.wright.edu/~pmateti/Courses/4420/Top/index.html

1 Honor Code

  1. Exams will be traditional closed book, closed notes exams. A link will become available at the announced time. Once you click the exam link, you are honor bound
    1. not to surf, not to access any content already existing (other than the links shown in the exam),
    2. not to take longer than 120 minutes,
    3. not to give or take help from others until you turnin your answers.
  2. Every sentence and figure submitted should be your own work produced during the allotted time (typically two hours).
  3. The exams permit the use of a Linux/ Mac/ Windows laptop/ PC/ VCSL running Ubuntu/ Knoppix/ Kali/ … distros, gcc, ps, splint, etc. but not man pages.

2 Exams

2.1 Where and When

  1. We will select selected a date and time for the Midsemester Exam. It will be was announced in class and on the Course Home Page.
  2. Final exam is Registrar scheduled. Dec 13, 2019. 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Not during normal class time slot. Applies to all sections.
  3. Conducted within Pilot.
  4. Write answers using your own machine. No need to be at WSU.
  5. The Midsemester/ Final Exam links are in the right hand column on Course Home Page. Link to the exam will be inserted few minutes before the announced time.
  6. Submit one PDF file named mtanswers.pdf into the Pilot dropbox for Midsemester, and fianswers.pdf for Final. 4420 and 6420 have separate dropboxes.

2.2 2019 Exam Links

  1. ./2019-Fall-Midsemester.html
    1. Link activated at noon Oct 30, 2019
    2. Due: Oct 31, 2019 11:59 PM
  2. ./2019-Fall-Final.html
    1. Link will be activated at noon Dec 13, 2019
    2. Due: Dec 14, 2019 11:59 PM

2.3 Old Exams

  1. ./4420-2018-Fall-E1.html E1 == Mid Semester, provided as an example
  2. ./4420-2018-Fall-E1-solution.pdf Solution
  3. ./4420-2018-Fall-E2.html E2 == Final Exam, provided as an example
  4. No solution will be provided for E2.

3 End

Copyright © 2018 www.wright.edu/~pmateti • 2018-12-01